
Climate change, the present and the future of wine

Axial Vinos is the evolution of the Garnacha grape produced in our family wineries: Bodem Bodegas (DOP Cariñena), Pagos del Moncayo (DO Campo de Borja) and La Casa de Lúculo (DO Navarra).

Axial Vinos’ goal for the year 2025 is for all our wineries to be sustainable. In relation to this goal, we have conducted research on climate change in the Cariñena area, where Bodem Bodegas is located.

Respect for the environment is the basis of the quality of our wines. It is the present and the future of Bodem Bodegas’ production. Due to the interaction between the wine sector and the environment, any modification of the parameters that make up the environment of the Cariñena DOP will affect the development of traditional viticulture. If these parameters are not evaluated and controlled, they can pose a high risk to the natural balance of our vineyards.

Respect for the environment is the basis of the quality of our wines. It is the present and the future of Bodem Bodegas’ production. Due to the interaction between the wine sector and the environment, any modification of the parameters that make up the environment of the Cariñena DOP will affect the development of traditional viticulture. If these parameters are not evaluated and controlled, they can pose a high risk to the natural balance of our vineyards.

In general, we observe: an increase in sugar levels, which are reached more quickly; an increase in pH; and a decrease in acidity which, together with the lower levels of phenolic compounds in the grapes, pose a high risk to the subsistence and longevity, not only of our vineyards, but also of our wines.

These processes are accelerated by the shortening of the annual cycle of the vine, since, by accumulating more temperature in a shorter period of time, we cannot reach optimum maturity if we do not adapt to future needs. In the world of agriculture it is said that when you plant a field it is not for yourself, it is for future generations. To guarantee the future development of viticulture in the Cariñena PDO, specifically in Almonacid de la Sierra, we interpret the data we obtain in order to find the most organic ways to adapt.

Some of these options would be: the implementation of irrigation and variety changes; and our favorite option, to look for more suitable geographical locations for the future. See you on the peaks of the Sierra de Algairén!

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